Five Pic Friday - Edition 20:
Sending Love to Cuba
Every fifth Friday i share five of my images in a shameless self promotion piece creatively titled,
"Five Pic Friday"

Hurricane Irma last week has had me thinking a lot about Cuba. Not that long ago, I had the great fortune to visit and shoot a small project.  We were there over New Year's Eve and I discovered that Havana has this beautiful tradition of throwing a kitchen pot full (or much more) of dish water out the window to symbolize the fresh start to the new year. The balconies and narrow streets and all night outdoor party makes for some wonderfully exciting moments as many residents adjust the tradition to include soaking as many tourists as possible. A truly memorable and beautiful experience. My heart goes out to the whole country as they recover from Irma and I hope to return soon and find it even more full of life and music and beauty.

have great weekend friends.

*think of this like an unexpected high five from me to you because... it's Friday!
all images © heshphoto, inc -
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